October 21, 2024

WORSHIP TIMESService          Sunday 10:30 AM

Bible Study    Wednesday 7 PM  - Currently studying Ephesians 


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Building the Kingdom of God with Precision Outreach Worship Empowerment and Responsiveness  (P.O.W.E.R.) 


A view of God’s Kingdom looks like:

Precision when … The Apostles setting up an internal network by appointing seven believers to efficiently and effectively handle the business of the church – Acts 6:1-6 


Outreach when … The woman at the well runs into the city to tell other of Jesus – Come see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? – John 4:29 


Worship when The Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on and in those gathered – Acts 2  


Empowerment when … The blind begging man whom after seeing Jesus left the people asking “Wasn’t that the man who use to beg? – John 9:1-11 


Responsiveness when … Four believers carrying a paralyzed man to see Jesus because of their faith in Jesus and commitment to helping – Mark 2:1-11 





Ministry is a spiritual business whose profit is souls saved and people helped.  We must carry out God’s work in decency and order.  The Pastor and the Council of Elders establish and maintain an infrastructure to effectively and efficiently address the financial, policy and daily operational needs of the church.  



The ministry witnesses to the surrounding community and the world by directly evangelizing and setting up a non-profit that develops ministries to meet people’s needs.  If needed, a for-profit entity may be created to help carry out the mission and/or fund ministry efforts.



Bringing forth the Word of God through Bible-based teaching/ preaching, sacraments, prayer, praise, thanksgiving, tithing, drama, arts and music that lead to salvation, healing, encouragement, inspiration and spiritual strength. 



 A believer is empowered when he/she has a better understanding gained by learning and applying God’s word.  The teaching ministries provide the foundation to help a person live their Christian life in excellence.   



Ministries must be able to respond to the current needs from comforting in grieving situations, helping in disaster relief to fully developed ministries that meet immediate and long term needs.  As the Holy Spirit leads and provides spiritual gifts to the body of believers, the actions and additional ministries required to address, resolve and comfort life’s situations will be established and carried out. 

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