March 28, 2025

WORSHIP TIMESService          Sunday 10:30 AM

Bible Study    Wednesday 7 PM  - Currently studying Ephesians 


About Spirit & Truth

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Church History


History of Our Church

In 2000, the Trinity Lutheran Church of Yeadon, PA closed.


In the summer of 2001, the Rev Patricia Davenport was named the mission developer to start the Spirit & Truth Worship Center. Rev Davenport and her husband the late Joel Davenport began by ministering on the streets, knocking on doors and forging partnerships with unchurched residents in Yeadon. God blessed their ministry with growth from a few members meeting in the basement for Bible study and service to 179 charter members by December 4, 2005. Spirit & Truth was accepted as a congregation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (2005) and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod (May 2006).


Spirit & Truth continued to grow with an active Council of Elders and several operating ministries that included Congregational Life, Ministry Management and Outreach. In addition, there was a Spirit-filled childcare center catering to children ages 3-6 and an after-school program for children ages 6-12. Rev Davenport achieved what many ministries have attempted to do. Rev Davenport was able to cultivate a relationship with the children and their families which resulted in many becoming members. As these families became members, Spirit & Truth reached a new generation of Believers that had not been reached before in our Synod. Rev Davenport also established relationships with two pastors who along with their ministries became part of Spirit & Truth. Both Rev Regina Goodrich and Rev Dwight Mason added to their previous ordinations in the Church of God In Christ to become pastors in Lutheran churches. Jack and Jean Hillegass were dedicated benefactors who made generous financial donations to support the ministry. Spirit & Truth was built on the motto that we are 'Blessed to be a Blessing' by being centered on the Word, witness and works of service to the community. One of the ongoing legacies of Rev Davenport's ministry at Sprit & Truth is the establishment of the Joe Mac Davenport Scholarship honoring her husband Deacon Davenport and his love for children and his dedication to their education.


In 2007, God called Rev Davenport to the position of Assistant to the Bishop and Spirit & Truth was without a pastor. In 2017, Rev Davenport would go on to become the first African American and first woman Bishop in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod.


At Spirit & Truth, over the next three years, the membership declined and building issues caused the day care and after school to close. During this time, Spirit & Truth would be served by two Interim Pastors, Rev Lynette Chapman (1.5 year) and Rev Diane Gilbert (3 months) and one Bridge Pastor Rev Leah Schade (1.2 years). Rev Schade took on the challenge by working with the congregation, replacing the boiler, forming partnerships with sister churches Tabernacle Lutheran of Philadelphia and St James of Limerick and beginning the process of addressing a number of building issues. During the final months of Rev Schade's service, she partnered with Rev Robert Kilby II to help Spirit & Truth prepare for their next pastor.

Rev Robert Kilby II was called as Pastor of Sprit & Truth in May 2011. Over the next few years, many building issues were addressed including the installation of conditioning equipment to resolve moisture and mold issues. The Youth ministry wrote and performed a play as a dinner theatre. There have been 15 youth confirmations. Video equipment has been installed. Min Kate Flowers served as an intern. The Connect Shelter homeless ministry under the ministry leadership of Dr Allan Thomas and ministry members purchased, prepared, transported and served an average of 53 adults a well-balanced meal once a week for a total of 14,573 meals served. God blessed Spirit & Truth to produce sermon recordings on You-Tube during the COVID Pandemic. The church vision is: Building The Kingdom of God through P.O.W.E.R. Precision – Outreach – Worship – Empowerment – Response. In 2021, 501C3 non-profit Hope Realized, Inc. was established to put a process in place to take persons from homelessness to self-sustaining while also addressing the needs of the community. To date, Hope Realized has had two food giveaways and through the financial donations from Sister Ola Wuraola Oladokun, who has been a continued support from the beginning, Hope Realized is set up for large scale food distribution.

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